Desert Tree
No Forrest in the desert
You may find a shrub or two
Even a tree or two
A few plants here and there
But you will not find a forrest in the desert
Don't expect much shade from desert trees
They are strong and enduring
Grown tough by the tough desert
They wait in patience and endurance
Till a drop of water arrives
Till the sun so burning, breaks
Till they take a short break
Before the brutal cold bites of the night attack
Don't blame those trees for looking so hard
For not being beautiful
For not giving you shade as generous
As the well bred forrest trees
Whatever they have, they have in scarcity
Whatever they got, was through a rough and continuing fight
Be kind and don't expect that they'd give so easily
They barely have something worth giving
So next time you see a desert tree
Bring your water, shade, and sweet breeze
Give it the break that it longs to have
Give it the break it needs without a fight